task for psychologists

Psychologists or therapists who specialize in family dynamics, family with 8 members lived to achieve american dream at the style of americans mixed with german life style and mentality, because they forget about there life because of the hard time, they forgot who they are after this all work, but Unfortunately brothers who solve the problem of the new rich family forgot other brothers after they succeed, created schizophrénie with the last 3 children, into a world love to use those children who have great background and in a country who love hypocracit. i'am looking for someone who can prove to the family about there disease and solve it, and to save those three children, who still did't taste the love of family before the time get passed.
Hello, salam, it's not our job as psychologists to prove anything to anyone. A psychologist will help their clients make the necessary realizations and build their inner strenghts for their life to get better.
If they are willing to come to therapy, and do the work to change and improve, then there are good possibilities.
Take care
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