Dr Nafaa Mohamed Fehmy Ophthalmologist

Dr Mohamed fehmy NAFAA

Tunis Belvedere
Contact information
Apollo médical N°8 rue apollo 11 le belvédère
Tunis Belvédère 1002 Tunis Tunisia
Dr Mohamed fehmy NAFAA



Professional qualification

Ancien assistant a la faculté de médecine de Tunis
Spécialisé dans la chirurgie de la cataracte et la chirurgie vitreo-retinienne
Membre de l ‘american academy of ophthalmology

Acts and care

Strabismus surgery Retinal detachment surgery Cataract surgery Treatment of keratoconus Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) YAG laser Adaptation of rigid lenses and orthokeratology lenses Surgical treatment of chalazion and / or eyelid cysts / Ectropion / Entropion Treatment of strabismus / oculomotor paralysis by injection of botulinum toxin Laser treatment for chronic open-angle glaucoma (laser trabeculoplasty) Chronic glaucoma filtering surgery See More

Methods of payment

Opening time
Monday 11:0016:00
Tuesday 11:0016:00
Wednesday 11:0016:00
Thursday 11:0016:00
Friday 11:0016:00
Saturday 09:0013:00
Office Photos